Use Of Data Science In Marketing And Ethical, Privacy And Targeting Issues Involved In Data Mining | A Dissection With Shawndra Hill – Facebook Principal Scientist

Use Of Data Science In Marketing And Ethical, Privacy And Targeting Issues Involved In Data Mining | A Dissection With Shawndra Hill - Facebook Principal Scientist
Use Of Data Science In Marketing And Ethical, Privacy And Targeting Issues Involved In Data Mining | A Dissection With Shawndra Hill – Facebook Principal Scientist

Facebook principal scientist Shawndra Hill and Professor Olivier Toubia examine the past, present, and future of the role of data science in marketing.

Shawndra Hill, a principal scientist at Facebook and a senior lecturer in the Marketing Division, joined Olivier Toubia, Glaubinger Professor of Business and Chair of the Marketing Division, for an in-depth discussion on the impact of data science on marketing.

Hill, formerly a principal researcher at Microsoft, discussed the evolution of data science throughout her career and emphasized how the technology can be used to promote social good.

Hill and Toubia also examined the ethical issues involved in data mining, including privacy and targeting concerns.