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Top Artificial Intelligence Blockchain Projects 2019

Top Artificial Intelligence Blockchain Projects 2019
Top Artificial Intelligence Blockchain Projects 2019

Prediction Engine | Finance | Data | Distributed Computing | Health | Privacy | Platform, and Infrastructure | Validation

DeepBrain Chain : A decentralized Al computing platform and neural network that supplies computational power to Al companies across the world.

PECULIUM : The first Savings Management Platform on the Blockchain, using artificial intelligence.

MATRIX : An intelligent new generation blockchain that aims to solve major challenges currently stifling the development and adoption of blockchain technology.

Singularity Net : A decentralized Al network that lets anyone create, share, and monetize Al services at scale.

AICoin : AICoin merges the benefits of AI modelling and crowd “wisdom” to help cryptocurrency traders and investors.

Senno : Blockchain-based Senno, utilizes distributed sentiment analysis and advanced Al algorithms to create a Real-Time crowd wisdom ecosystem and sophisticated business intelligence analytics.

Neureal : is using a decentralized architecture to create the world’s most powerful supercomputer with a limitless ability to forecast the future.

Synapse AI : Synapse Al is a decentralized data and machine learning marketplace and exchange, which will compensate users who contribute data and train machine learning models.

NUMERAI : Numerai incentivizes anonymous data scientists to model obfuscated financial data and stake on their predictions in weekly tournaments.

burst iQ : BurstiQ enables businesses, researchers and people to connect with each other, share data and build relationships to enable a healthier life and a healthier world.

AI CRYPTO : An Al platform and Dapp specialising in deep learning, mining and 3D render farm resources.

AiX : The AiX financial trading platform utilises Al and blockchain to provide instant trader-to-trader interaction without the need for inter-dealer-brokerage.

Dopamine : The Dopamine network is a decentralized global platform for data & Al providers and processors to monetize their IP.

Endor : Endor and MIT developed a “Google for predictive analytics” engine to provide instantaneous, automated and encrypted Al predictions for businesses.

AUTONIO : AUTONIO is a decentralized AI-driven trading terminal that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies more effectively.

Indorse : Indorse leverages the power of AI and the decentralized consensus of expert users for highly objective and credible skills validation.

BotChain : BotChain is the decentralized identity registry for autonomous Al agents.

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