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Will Computers Ever Think Like Human Beings? A Talk By Vinton G. Cerf

Will Computers Ever Think Like Human Beings? A Talk By Vinton G. Cerf
Will Computers Ever Think Like Human Beings? A Talk By Vinton G. Cerf

The rise of artificial intelligence has seen computers beating chess experts and performing incredibly complex tasks. But why can’t they think the same way we do?

We have built incredibly powerful, multi-layered, neural networks capable of learning incredibly quickly and carrying out seemingly impossible tasks, but they still can’t always tell the difference between a polar bear and a dishwasher.

In this talk ‘Father of the Internet’ Vint Cerf explores why it is so challenging for any computer-based system, however elaborate, to reason in the same way we do.

About Speaker : Vinton G. Cerf is vice president and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google. He contributes to global policy development and continued spread of the Internet. Widely known as one of the “Fathers of the Internet,” Cerf is the co-designer of the TCP/IP protocols and the architecture of the Internet. He has served in executive positions at MCI, the Corporation for National Research Initiatives and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and on the faculty of Stanford University.

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