Why Brands Lose Their Way : The Dangers Of Inconsistent Branding

A brand is a constantly-evolving entity. Your brand strategy should not only highlight your company’s identity today, but how you plan to evolve in the future in the pursuit of your unique vision. Of course, just because your brand shouldn’t remain static, doesn’t mean that it should be constantly changing either. After all, the more your identity changes, the more confused your customers will become.

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Primal Branding

Patrick Hanlon is founder and CEO of Thinktopia®, a strategic branding and social engagement group. His books “Primal Branding” and “The Social Code” are in several languages and taught around the world. Mr. Hanlon looks at brands not as logo and website, but as a belief system that attracts others who share those beliefs. This creates a community of believers, advocates, users – a “tribe”.

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Branding A Charity – What, Why And How

A brand is just an identity. It’s how you define yourself to your target audience and begin building the affinity that turns people into dedicated advocates and donators. A brand is something that all groups have, regardless of whether you actively invest in it or not. The act of charity branding merely allows you to have some control over how people see your organisation.

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Branding Essentials And A Brand Strategy

A brand is an idea. It’s the way your customers feel when they think about your company or see your name on a billboard. ‘Branding’ on the other hand, is a strategic pattern used to develop that all-important perception. A well-defined and carefully executed brand strategy bridges the gap between your business and the people you most want to reach.

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The Role of Digital Technology in Marketing and Branding

In this interview, Ricardo Arias-Nath discusses the changing roles of CMOs; the influence of digital and social on branding; how marketing is used in B2B distribution channels; marketing analytics; career transitioning from sales to marketing; developing brands with a defined purpose; the future of marketing with respect to predictive artificial intelligence and share of algorithm; and the potential for CMOs to transition to CEO / CDO.

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