Facebook’s Brand New Shopping Experience Powered By Artificial Intelligence

For anyone who has ever dreamt of being able to click on any image and buy it, whether it’s Jimmy Fallon’s suit on Late Night or the chair he’s sitting on, Facebook has announced it’s stepping up its e-commerce game with a brand new shopping experience powered by AI.

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Will A.I. Powered, Self-Taught Robots Be the End of Us?

“Success in creating effective A.I.,” said the late Stephen Hawking, “could be the biggest event in the history of our civilization. Or the worst. We just don’t know.” Elon Musk called A.I. “a fundamental risk to the existence of civilization.” Are we creating the instruments of our own destruction or exciting tools for our future survival? Once we teach a machine to learn on its own – as the programmers behind AlphaGo have done, to wondrous results – where do we draw moral and computational lines? Leading specialists in A.I., neuroscience, and philosophy will tackle the very questions that may define the future of humanity.

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