Sexual Harassment: Until More Women Are In Power And Can Shape Workplace Culture, It’s Up To The Men At The Top To Solve The Problem At Its Roots

Sexual harassment flourishes in workplaces where men dominate in management and in fields where few women hold the “core” jobs (think law enforcement and tech). Research shows that bringing more women into these roles can solve the problem at its roots. But companies know they can get away with cosmetic

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Implications Of The Biases That Have Shaped Society In The Past (Or Shape It Today), On How AI Systems Work – Or Fail To Work Followed By Q&A

The datasets on which AI technologies are trained to carry out a task reflect society, and can contain the biases that were embedded in processes, relationships, or structures at the point of data collection. When this data is used to develop AI, the resulting systems reflect back the social and

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How Symbols And Brands Shape Our Humanity

“Branding is the profound manifestation of the human spirit,” says designer and podcaster Debbie Millman. In a historical odyssey that she illustrated herself, Millman traces the evolution of branding, from cave paintings to flags to beer labels and beyond. She explores the power of symbols to unite people, beginning with prehistoric communities who used them to represent beliefs and identify affiliations to modern companies that adopt logos and trademarks to market their products – and explains how branding reflects the state of humanity.

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How Algorithms Shape Our World

We live in a world run by algorithms, computer programs that make decisions or solve problems for us. In this riveting, funny talk, Kevin Slavin shows how modern algorithms determine stock prices, espionage tactics, even the movies you watch. But, he asks: If we depend on complex algorithms to manage our daily decisions — when do we start to lose control?

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