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Data Analysis And Data Modelling: Two Different Concepts That Work Best When Used Together

Data Analysis And Data Modelling: Two Different Concepts That Work Best When Used Together
Data Analysis And Data Modelling: Two Different Concepts That Work Best When Used Together

While the terms data analysis and data modeling are often intertwined, they are two different concepts. Simply put, data analysis is about using data and information to drive business decisions, while data modeling refers to the architecture that makes analysis possible. In other words, data modeling and data analysis work best when they are used together.

But how do organizations embed data into every decision and process? The answer starts with effective data modeling and continues with data analysis. Let’s compare the two concepts below and learn how overlapping them can benefit your business.

What Is Data Modeling?

Data modeling is a data strategy that focuses on transforming raw data into structural, often visual representations that help analysts derive more meaningful insights from the data.

Data modeling seeks to map out the types of data your organization uses and where it is stored within systems. Additionally, it illustrates relationships between data types and finds ways to group and organize data by establishing formats and attributes.

“A data model can be compared to a roadmap, an architect’s blueprint or any formal diagram that facilitates a deeper understanding of what is being designed,” analysts from IBM said.

Companies must build models around business needs, translate business needs into data structures, create concrete database designs and be ready to evolve as businesses change.

Types Of Data Modeling

These are the three most common data model types:

The Three Levels Of Data Abstraction

What Is Data Analysis?

Data analysis is a holistic data strategy that involves examining, interpreting, cleaning, transforming, migrating and modeling data to extract useful information for internal and external business goals. While data modeling creates the architecture that helps data teams derive valuable data insights, data analysis actually puts the model in motion and leverages data to drive outcomes. Some of the most common data analysis approaches include:

The Data Analysis Process

The Main Differences Between Data Modeling And Data Analysis

Data modeling and analytics are both integral to data management and data-driven operations. Organizations on a data transformation journey cannot choose one over the other but have to engage in both concepts to fully develop data architectures and use their data to improve their operations.

As mentioned, data modeling is the roadmap and blueprint that is used to build the hardware and software where databases will be connected. Then, data analysis comes into play once the model is built and is strictly concerned with using that data to improve decision-making. It relies on the infrastructure that data modeling provides, but data analysis itself is not concerned with changing data infrastructure.

For effective data-driven businesses, data modeling and data analysis share a lot of common ground. They must both be aligned with business goals and priorities. Additionally, both are part of a strong data culture. When they are used together, companies can serve customers better, increase sales, make better decisions, meet governance and privacy standards, and ultimately back up all business decisions with higher-quality data.

originally posted on by Ray Fernandez

About Author: Ray is a Content and Communication Specialist with more than 10 years of experience. He currently works as a Senior Copywriter for Wunderman Thompson and writes as a freelance technology journalist for several tech media. His work has been published in Microsoft, Slash Gear, Screen Rant, OOSKA News, Bloomberg, and Nature Conservancy, among other places.

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