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Merck’s Digital Transformation: The Journey To A Connected Healthcare Experience

Merck’s Digital Transformation: The Journey to a Connected Healthcare Experience
Merck’s Digital Transformation: The Journey to a Connected Healthcare Experience

Alessandro De Luca, the CIO of Merck Healthcare at Merck Group, delivered the keynote “Merck’s Digital Transformation: The Journey to a Connected Healthcare Experience” at the Technology Insight Summit in Europe. De Luca discussed the potential of smart hospitals, the app-based future of medicine, digital therapeutics, virtual medicines, and more.

About GDS Summits: Disruption is nothing new. What’s different today is the speed at which disruption is happening – particularly when it comes to technology which is addressed at our GDS Summits. 72% of Fortune 500 CEOs cite the “rapid pace of technological change” as their biggest business challenge going forward. Cloud, mobile, analytics: all are changing the game when it comes to how your business operates, and transforming your IT infrastructure to take advantage of those new opportunities remains a critical concern. Discuss these topics and more at our GDS Summit.

The question remains: what will your business look like tomorrow, and what role will IT play in driving that transformation? Our Technology GDS Summits will answer these questions.

GDS Summits are produced following 100+ hours of research calls with 45+ executives from a range of brands and job titles to help us form a well-rounded view of what is the most relevant program for both our Delegates and Sponsors.

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