According To A Research, Over 70% Of Organisations’ Apps Are Disconnected From One Other And The Core Business

A new study by Salesforce’s MuleSoft suggests more isn’t necessarily better if an organization’s applications are not playing well together. Unfortunately, more than 70% remain disconnected from one another and the core business. Tech market observers predict organizations will increase IT spending this year, driven in part by  digital transformation.

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Instead Of Replacing Them, Businesses Are Merging Mainframe Systems With New Technologies To Expand Their Capabilities

The trusty old mainframe may seem synonymous with a bygone era of computing. Left behind by cloud computing and walled off from next-gen functionalities such as artificial intelligence and business process as a service, it once seemed destined for the dustbin of IT history. But a funny thing happened on

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Reimagining The Workforce: The IT Industry Is Battling For A Limited Supply Of Talented Workers

The history of technology conjures images of lab coat–wearing PhDs wrangling information out of room-size mainframes. Previously synonymous with advanced scientific knowledge, the use of technology is now ubiquitous and becoming more democratized, and recently, more decentralized. Technologists have exchanged lab coats for crewnecks and black jeans; yet, when it

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Immersive Internet – Augmented Reality, And Virtual Reality Might Facilitate The Development Of New Business Models

Since the first computer was built, businesses and consumers have enjoyed a progression toward simpler and more intimate interactions with technology. Professors wielding punch cards gradually gave way to business people brandishing PCs and, more recently, mobile and wearable devices. In a sense, the connection to the digital world has

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Lessons IT Industry Learned Last Year About Disruption, Innovation, Ongoing Change, And How To Drive Success Through Transformation

Too many leaders succumb to fear of missing out (FOMO) when new tech trends emerge and demand that something – anything – using the new tech be implemented immediately. This leads to wasted investment, missed opportunity and disillusionment about the new landscape. Emerging technologies are critical and demand attention and

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How To Thrive Amidst The Difficulties Involved In The Digital Transformation

A successful digital transformation can be hard to predict or plan; it is often the result of new customer interactions, new combinations of talent and teams, unexpected alliances with new partners, and entirely new business models. These components are constantly evolving, shaped, and influenced by algorithmic systems, aggregated in such

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How To Adapt Your Sales Organization To The Digital Age: Utilize Technology, Data, And Analytics To Achieve Success

Companies can reap great benefits from digitalizing their sales organizations – that is, using technology, data, and analytics to improve the sales process. Done well, digitalization increases customer engagement, boosts the skills and performance of salespeople, and supports a more customer-focused business model. But digitalization initiatives are often plagued by

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A Six-Step Approach To Evaluate And Manage Algorithmic Performance

Understanding how to evaluate and manage algorithmic performance could be the difference between success and failure. This article outlines a six-step approach for defining what to measure and monitor. Central to this approach is to work out where the waste is by measuring failure states. These are critical to monitoring

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Social AI: The Potential To Improve Human-To-Human Relationships Among The Workforce Or With Customers

You’re frustrated. Two functional leaders are pulling you into a nasty turf war when you need them to collaborate. You’re writing a frustrated reply, when a friend stops you. They recommend more appropriate wording, and that you ask the functional leaders to schedule a meeting to discuss conflicting priorities and

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Industry Clouds:  What Are They, And Why Do They Matter?

Competition is at the heart of transformation. It requires continuous innovation and new ways to grow profits. Digital transformation helps organizations innovate faster and better. And therein lies one of the greatest challenges: pursuing digital transformation means building a race car and entering a never-ending race. In this race with

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Why So Many Digital Transformations Fail To Deliver Impact? A Common, Strategically Linked Language For Digital Transformation Could Be The Answer

From disruptors and disruptive tech to pandemics, political unrest, and climate change, winning the future depends on adaptation. To survive and thrive, leaders should determine how to maintain a competitive advantage and enable an ability to win in a way that doesn’t just withstand change but embraces it to generate

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The Future Physician: Technology And New Models Of Care Can Augment, Not Replace, Physicians And Help Them Focus On Meaningful Work

As we recover from the recent public health crisis and take stock of the events of the last several weeks and months, we begin to think about the future and how the practice of medicine may be transformed. Physicians have been at the forefront of patient care, making challenging decisions

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