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Creating AI Brain Trust | Why Is Data Analytics Key To AI? Part One Of Three

Creating AI Brain Trust | Why Is Data Analytics Key To AI? Part One Of Three
Creating AI Brain Trust | Why Is Data Analytics Key To AI? Part One Of Three

This blog is a continuation of the Building AI Leadership Brain Trust Blog Series which targets board directors and CEOs to accelerate their duty of care to develop stronger skills and competencies in AI in order to ensure their AI programs achieve sustaining results.

In this blog series, I have identified forty skill domains in an AI Leadership Brain Trust Framework to guide board directors and CEOs to ensure they can develop and accelerate their investments in successful AI initiatives. You can see the full roster of the forty leadership Brain Trust skills in my first blog.

Each of the blogs in this series explores either a group of skills or does a deeper dive into one of the skill areas. I have come to the conclusion that to unlock the last mile of AI value realization that board directors and CEOs must accelerate building a unified brain trust (a unified set of leadership skills that are hardwired in relevant digital and AI skills) to modernize their organizations more rapidly.

Knowledge is key and if you locked up a room of board directors and CEOs in a board room and asked them

Sadly, I think we would find some very serious operational execution gaps in realizing the last mile in AI.

A great deal of R&D exploration and AI modeling exploration is underway but moving to sustaining operating practices and ensuring the ongoing knowledge of AI modeling outcomes, and value realization practices remain a major gap in the strategic deployments of AI programs.

Last week, I discussed the importance of User-Centered Design Literacy and in this blog, I will discuss the importance of Data Analytics Literacy, one of the key technical literacy skills in building AI capabilities that are robust and operational focused.

Technical Skills:

Research Methods Literacy
Agile Methods Literacy
User-Centered Design Literacy
Data Analytics Literacy
Digital Literacy (Cloud, SaaS, Computers, etc.)
Mathematics Literacy
Statistics Literacy
Sciences (Computing Science, Complexity Science, Physics) Literacy
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Literacy
Sustainability Literacy
Data Analytics Literacy

This blog defines data analytics literacy and frames the dimensions of data analytics to provide key insights and questions that Board Directors and CEOs can use to guide their leadership in advancing their company’s journey into advanced AI and Data Science capabilities.

What Does Data Analytics Literacy Mean?

According to Gartner Group, 50% of organizations today lack sufficient AI and data literacy skills to achieve business value. Based on my executive experiences over the past ten years advancing AI enablements into the enterprise and mid-market companies, there is no question in my mind that one of the most significant gaps in board directors, CEOs and C-Suite is being able to speak a common language reg: Data to lead and champion their workforces to understand that data literacy must become a core competency not just for AI professionals, but for all professionals in a company.

Without being able to have foundational communication skills to speak about data no company striving to advance AI as a core business operating process will ever be world class.

What Is Data Literacy?

According to Gartner Group, it means “the ability to read, write and communicate data in context, including an understanding of data sources and constructs, analytical methods, and techniques applied – and the ability to describe the use case, application and resulting value.”

The majority of Fortune 500 talent management leaders have positioned data literacy as a critical skill for the 21st century for employee skill development. Gartner has recently predicted that 80% of the larger enterprises are actively rolling out data literacy initiatives to up-skill their workforce throughout 2021 and beyond – given the imperative to modernize businesses.

The Government of Canada has released a comprehensive Data Strategy Roadmap for the Federal Public Service to accelerate the knowledge of data literacy skills among public citizens. Their strategy information provides an excellent review of diverse definitions of data literacy to help advance knowledge from diverse sources helpful to Chief Human Resource Officers (CHROs) that may be tasked in developing a data analytics skill development strategy.

OECD identifies data literacy as one of the six most critical skills for innovation in the public sector. They have a maturity scale for data literacy organized into four areas:

QLIK, a software analytics company, has been very active in developing content to democratize knowledge of data in their data literacy project and they offer a product-agnostic data certification that provides an agile path for businesses to augment their talent knowledge sources.

In the helpful sources below, I highlight a number of other free data literacy sources from leaders: IBM, Salesforce (Tableau), SAP, etc. as there is a great deal of content being made available to advance digital analytics and digital literacy in general that there is no excuse for executives to not mobilize focus in all industries and in all company sizes. With so many people impacted by Covid-19, taking these free online courses on digital and data literacy may make the difference in getting back into the workforce or not. As we say in my company, “We Love to Make Data Speak. “

What Questions Should A Board Director Or A CEO Ask To Advance Their Organization’s Data-Driven Mindset?

First, it is important to understand how deep data analytics must go to reshape /rebuild/or transform corporate culture.

Many companies simply roll out data literacy training programs and assume the knowledge will stick and that the organizational behaviors will evolve to enable richer data analytics. This is so not true.

Advancing a robust data analytics journey roadmap requires an integrated and systemic approach to challenge current operating practices, systems, cultural values, beliefs, and norms. It requires deep organizational reprogramming and continual inspection methods, with skilled ethnographers observing behavioral changes, training coaches to support the changes, and ensuring that C-level leaders learn the new language of data digital literacy otherwise – culture remains rooted in the past.

The top questions I recommend leaders (Board Directors/CEOs) ask to get a pulse check on their digital analytics literacy foundations are summarized below.

It is imperative that leaders understand that data is the fuel that feeds AI models and if data is not robust then all their companies are doing is potentially deeply engraining the past into their operating methods and also with higher odds of data bias risks. The last thing we need in the AI reemergence industry is giving false hopes that AI models will see futures that they cannot see, and then over time, value realization in AI outcomes is questioned and organizations are not learning and AI investments become more constrained. Maintaining curiosity to learn and evolve is key given what China is doing in its long-term strategy to ensure AI is pervasive in all things.

There are so many companies that I go into and it becomes so clear that their data management operating practices are severely broken, hence their AI journey has to be done in smaller and more tightly controlled centers of excellence versus worrying about the full spectrum of data challenges and broken operating systems, and avoiding the deep endless abyss.

So, leaders, you must dig deep into data validity, data bias, and audit controls before investing in AI model building or isolate data-rich areas to demonstrate value and inch along so you are learning about AI.

Here are key questions to guide leaders foreword to ensure data analytics mindsets have stronger foundations, based on my executive experiences in both Fortune 500 companies, as well as mid-market enterprises.

The ability to understand and communicate in a common data language is a critical skill for board directors and CEOs to ensure is in place. Deriving value from data and analytics is a major competitive advantage lever, and some like to say data is all about digital dexterity, which means all employees have the ability and desire to use data and emerging analytics technology to derive better decisions and outcomes for the company.

Going a level deeper some other key leadership data analytics inspection questions, you could ask are questions like:

How many employees are skilled in statistics, operations research, predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics, etc, and understand concepts like correlations, confidence levels on false or positive signals, clustering analytics, etc. versus basic math concepts like averages or medians?

Can your managers clearly explain the outputs of their business systems and operating processes? Do they understand the quality of their data and are they able to operate all the systems their employees are expected to operate so they appreciate each field that is capturing the data and what type of data is being captured and if it’s needed or not to run the business at a deep data validation /audit like mindset orientation?

How many resources do you have that are skilled data scientists, or AI engineers, and more importantly how many of them can explain what they do so managers and front-line employees understand them? If people cannot understand the language from data scientists and AI leaders, and be able to take action to move a company forward we have a major communication and comprehension gap.


There is no question in my mind that if companies do not super-charge data-driven leadership competency development, they will not grow, and will cease to exist as AI enablements are rapidly underpinning all operating processes as businesses are under massive modernization for survival in an increasingly more intelligent data smart world.

It is simply inevitable just like we built the air traffic systems to control the airplane navigation systems, we will be building AI machine learning operations (MLOps) and data analytics functions to control all the AI modeling systems and in time, we will get it right.

I predict that at least 50% of current businesses worldwide won’t survive the transformation and the carnage may be higher. Companies that are building up data and AI intelligence in their early roots will simply be more nimble than companies built twenty, or even ten years ago, so we may see giants like IBM have to acquire companies like SalesForce – or vice versa, but the titan consolidation is inevitable as the digital analytics literacy imperative is taking hold everywhere. I for one, look forward to Titan’s acquisition of data analytics companies as Salesforce’s acquisition of Tableau was a clear signal of where they are heading, and so the next chess move by IBM and SAP will also be most interesting to see unfold. Perhaps a wise move would be to combine General Dynamics (Robotics ) with and IBM and start to seriously think about intelligent robots and cobots in everything, as analytics flows deeper into AI and robotic operating systems.

In summary, this blog reinforced the importance of data analytics literacy and identified some key questions to evaluate your organization’s maturity in data? As the field of data analytics is so deep, my next blog will continue exploring it and will also define the different types of data analytics methods that enable richer insights, as its key Board Directors and CEO’s understand some of the major analytic categories to speak data analytics and “walk the talk.”

As discussed throughout my blog series, AI has many benefits for business, the economy, and for helping to solve many of our world’s deepest challenges. However, to get to the other side, it is not enough to have a quality user-centric design approach unless the data sources are robust and the culture is maturing in its digital analytics literacy skills and competencies.

Board directors and CEOs need to step up more and ensure that their digital business models that are leveraging AI have strong foundations where data analytics literacy is recognized as a critical skill competency to build trusted AI centers of excellence.

originally posted on by Cindy Gordon

About Author: Dr. Cindy Gordon is a CEO, a thought leader, author, keynote speaker, board director, and advisor to companies and governments striving to modernize their business operations, with advanced AI methods. She is the CEO and Founder of SalesChoice, an AI SaaS company focused on Improving Sales Revenue Inefficiencies and Ending Revenue Uncertainty. A former Accenture, Xerox, and Citicorp executive, she bridges governance, strategy, and operations in her AI contributions. She is a board advisor of the Forbes School of Business and Technology and the AI Forum. She is passionate about modernizing innovation with disruptive technologies (SaaS/Cloud, Smart Apps, AI, IoT, Robots), with 13 books in the market, with the 14th on The AI Split: A Perfect World or a Perfect Storm to be released shortly. Follow her on Linked In or on Twitter or her Website. You can also access her at The AI Directory.

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