Getting Closer To Sustainability: If You Care About Sustainability, You May Need To Change The Behaviour Of Your Customers

Many sustainability initiatives focus on improving the sustainability of products and operations in legacy or adjacent markets or on achieving sustainability gains by exploring new markets with a more diverse set of products. This is a variation on the classic “where to play/how to win” strategy familiar to most executives.

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Blockchain Can Fundamentally Change And Simplify How Collaborations Work

Collaborations that require information sharing and mutual trust between companies, suppliers, and clients can be tough, particularly in the remote era. But blockchain’s distributed ledger – and its use of smart contracts – can simplify the process, creating a common, reliable record of transactions and avoiding costly disputes. In doing

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Not Just How You Do But, What You Do Also Change By Artificial Intelligence

Few leaders would dispute the fact that business today is driven by data and smart algorithms. Yet, rather than real digital transformation, many instead pursue digital incrementalism, using automation to cut costs or, worse – cut jobs. Doing so might buy you some time from impatient shareholders, but it will

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The Long Overdue Change | Universities Are Going Online

Higher education is being pummeled by the Covid-19 pandemic. This spring’s campus shutdowns led to a quick rush to “remote learning,” exposing the fragmented adoption of high-quality education technology and digital capabilities across thousands of colleges and universities. The tumultuous fall semester, complete with aborted campus openings and widely diverging

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AI And Algae To Take On Climate Change

Algae, that green scum often seen on the surface of ponds, and credited with harmful ocean algal blooms that kill ocean life might just hold an important key to addressing climate change. Algae, much like trees, uses carbon dioxide to conduct photosynthesis, sequestering CO2 as it grows.

Hypergiant, an AI products and solutions company, is harnessing this unique power of algae in its latest technology, the EOS bio-reactor which uses AI to optimize algae growth and carbon sequestration.

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These Companies Are Using AI To Change The Real Estate Game

It seems like every industry is betting on artificial intelligence to help revolutionize how things are done. It is no different in real estate, where new technology companies are looking to help buyers and renters in their searches. Here are a few companies doing just that. NobbasHeadquartered in Montreal, this

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