Why Use Strong Passwords? Everyone Knows This, But Too Few People Actually Follow It

Password security is a major concern for companies, and one of the biggest challenges is getting employees to use better password hygiene. To shore up security, you need to find practices that your employees will actually use. To make it easier, consider sharing these five recommendations to help them find

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Why Blog Or Use Other Social Media If It’s So Hard To Get People To Follow You?

The email arrived the day after a speech I’d given in London. “You’ve definitely given me some food for thought about my career trajectory, and how to use branding to my advantage,” an executive at a management consulting firm wrote. In my talk, I’d emphasized the importance of content creation

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The Practical Applications Of Artificial Intelligence | Seminar Follow By A Panel Discussion

AI technologies already support many everyday products and services, with further applications to come. Professor Marcus Du Sautoy, mathematician, author, and science communicator speak to leading artificial intelligence experts for a discussion and open forum on technologies with AI at their heart to have the power to change the world.

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