Ransomware: Various Types Of Ransomware Attacks, And How To Avoid Becoming A Victim And Paying Cybercriminals A Ransom

In the past, security threats typically involved scraping information from systems that attackers could use for other crimes such as identity theft. Now, cybercriminals have proceeded to directly demanding money from victims by holding their devices – and data – hostage. This type of malware attack in which data is

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Innovation Contests: How To Avoid Innovation Contests Pitfalls And Raise Overall Level Of Creativity

In 1714, the British government offered a cash prize to anyone who could devise a practical method of determining longitude at sea. In more recent times, open innovation contests have tackled challenges ranging from the silly (Frito-Lay’s Crash the Super Bowl campaigns invited consumers to shoot a funny Doritos commercial)

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How To Avoid Exploiting Customers’ Behavioral Biases: Make Sure Your Digital Design Functions Are In The Best Interests Of Users

Executives must play a proactive role in making sure their digital design functions in the best interests of users. Doing so has the potential to give companies a deeper and more positive relationship with its customers. Brands that design their sites to exploit consumer behavioral bias (or those that fail

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What Is Keyword Cannibalization In SEO And How To Avoid It?

Search engine optimization is probably one of the biggest concerns companies have to face in the modern world. In an environment where most of your customers have already ‘gone digital’, SEO helps to get your business in front of the right people at the right time. After all, Google receives around 67,000 searches per second, every day. That’s a lot of opportunities to engage your target audience.

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