As You Plan Your Marketing Strategy For The Next Year, Consider These Seven Steps To Take Into Perspective

Beginning in January, many company owners, entrepreneurs, and even seasoned marketers plan their marketing plans for the next year. But we’re here to tell you that you should start planning your marketing strategy for next year right now, or at least within the final three months of this year. 7

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Metaverse: Consider Your Use Of Existing Web Technologies Before You Invest

You’ve heard enough about the metaverse to know what it is and how important it could become, but how and when do you plan your business’s first move? When we consider the metaverse not as an unprecedented revolution but instead as an evolution of the web, we can hypothesize that

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U.K. Government’s PSTI Bill 2022 Bans Default Passwords: Does This Step Encourage Manufacturers To Consider Security?

The U.K. government has, and not before time, many would argue, moved to introduce legislation that will ban the use of dumb passwords in so-called smart devices. The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) Bill has yet to become law; according to government sources that will happen as soon as

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Three Lessons To Consider When Getting Started With Automating Data Analysis For Midsize Businesses

Midsize company leaders are right to be excited about the opportunities for harnessing the value in their large datasets. But the data in midsize companies tends to be messy – spreadsheets and plain-text files, many in different formats, are difficult (if not impossible) to integrate. It takes a lot of

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