Top Governance Risks For Board Directors And CEOs: Cybersecurity And Artificial Intelligence

Ask most board directors and CEO’s to define cybersecurity and artificial intelligence in a board meeting and have them share their answers and you may well find that their depth of knowledge is too shallow in their duty of care responsibilities. This, however, is fast changing after many years where

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Creating AI Brain Trust | A Board Director And CEOs – Emotional And Social Intelligence Skills

This blog is a continuation of the Building AI Leadership Brain Trust Blog Series which targets board directors and CEOs to accelerate their duty of care to develop stronger skills and competencies in AI in order to ensure AI programs achieve sustaining life cycles. Did you know that 80% of

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Creating AI Brain Trust | A Board Director And CEOs – Development Of Stronger Skills And Competencies

Either modernize or atrophy is a reality for laggard companies not preparing to compete in the increasingly intelligent world, where sensors and AI methods will be embedded in every business process. Over 80% of the companies investing in AI do not drive ongoing operational practices, rather AI is an investigative

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Creating AI Brain Trust | A Board Director And CEOs – Why Leadership Skills Is Critical

I have written three blogs framing the critical need for a Board Director and CEO to build a focused AI Brain Trust and leadership program to build stronger skills and competencies to advance AI successfully in their organizations. Over 80% of the companies investing in AI do not drive ongoing

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Creating AI Brain Trust | A Board Director And CEOs – Duty Of Care

I have now written two blogs framing the critical need for a Board Director and CEO to build a focused AI Brain Trust and leadership program to build stronger skills and competencies to advance AI successfully in their organizations. This third blog completes the AI Leadership Brain Trust – Strategy

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Creating AI Brain Trust | A Board Director And CEOs – The Leadership Framework

In my blog last week, I framed the critical need for a Board Director and CEO to build an AI Brain Trust. I also introduced an AI leadership framework. I have now further evolved the leadership framework, based on discussions with other leading AI Experts. The framework identifies 40 leadership

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Why Companies Should Have AI Literate CEOs And Board Of Directors

You cannot escape the everyday realities of Artificial Intelligence (AI). All Fortune 1000 business leaders in diverse industries have AI focused initiatives well underway. Global companies in both enterprise and mid-markets are rapidly innovating to grow new revenues, increase profits, and discover new value in product and service offerings via

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