Are You Ready For The Metaverse: Technology And Gaming Giants Are Ready To Bring New Levels Of Virtual Work

The workplace of the 2020s already looks vastly different from what we could have imagined just a couple of years ago. Now, the metaverse promises to bring new levels of social connectedness, mobility, and collaboration to a world of virtual work.  The metaverse is poised to reshape the world of

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Making Room For Machines: Getting Ready For Artificial General Intelligence

Join this year’s Turing Prize winner Yann LeCun and other pioneers in artificial intelligence for a no-nonsense discussion of whether a truly intelligent machine can be created – and, if so, how and when. The “thinking machines” that Alan Turing postulated in 1950 have already vaulted beyond us in specific

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Is Your Organization Is Ready For What’s Next In Marketing?

Marketing has never been more complex. Sweeping advances in technology have revolutionized and fragmented the discipline, while societal issues such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the climate crisis have raised expectations for marketers’ social performance. This combination of diverse forces has transformed how the marketing

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6 Customer Experience Trends Every Company Must Get Ready

Companies who bring many of these customer service trends to life are the ones who are going to be successful. Nike is one of those companies. They invested in a value-added app that helps customers track their runs. At the same time, the app provides value to the customer, it’s providing information about customers to Nike. So, after a certain amount of miles run, the app might suggest to the customer it’s time for a new pair of Nikes. Through augmented reality, the customer can point the app to their foot and try on different styles. Then, it’s able to size your foot perfectly, and you can place the order and get your new trainers in record time. And for those that prefer a tangible experience, you can touch, feel, and smell their products in their flagship stores.

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The 7 Biggest Technology Trends In 2020 Everyone Must Get Ready For Now

We are amidst the 4th Industrial Revolution, and technology is evolving faster than ever. Companies and individuals that don’t keep up with some of the major tech trends run the risk of being left behind. Understanding the key trends will allow people and businesses to prepare and grasp the opportunities. As a business and technology futurist, it is my job to look ahead and identify the most important trends. In this article, I share with you the seven most imminent trends everyone should get ready for in 2020.

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